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disturbs me about it in connection with RDNA is that we never
ways (emphasis added) in which the object of man s search for
conceived of ourselves as pagans! Druidism was a supplement or
religious truth can be found through Nature, (which we personify
a complement to other religions.
as) the Earth-Mother. Nature, being one of the primary concerns
in man s life and struggle, and being one of the objects of cre-
The Book of Changes,
ation (we never bothered about the implications of that; a cre-
ator) is important to man s spiritual quests.
7. Druidism isn t to me what it would seem to be to you. Perhaps
you are right, but, being as close as I am to the origins, I can t [The aftermath from discussion on the letter
forget what it meant then, and what it evolved into in the FIRST in The Book of changes, part one]
few years. You can t; I can t!
8. This has been a long and rambling epistle I apologize. As I (Berkeley Apocrypha Only)
said, I didn t know when I started where I was going; I m still
not sure that I have covered all the bases, but it s after midnight,
Chapter the SECOND
so I ll quit.
1. The reactions to this missive were, as usual for Reformed Dru-
ids, varied.
May the blessing of the Earth-Mother, the never-changing All-
2. Out of the 33 copies mailed, some were returned by the Postal
Mother, be upon you in whatever you do.
Service as undeliverable. These were: D. Wesley Hubbard, Marta
Peck and Richard Smiley.
Norman Nelson
3. The following member of the Council of Dalon Ap Landu ob-
10 Geimredh XII
jected vigorously : Diane Erbe (Adr. of Carleton), David Fisher,
10 November 1974
David and Deborah Frangquist, Gerre Goodman MacInnes,
Thomas McCausland, Renata Seidel, Ellen Conway Shelton (Adr.
of Ann Arbor) and Richard Shelton.
4. The following members of the Council agreed with the basic
concepts outlined: Michael Bradley (ArchDruid of Chicago), Joan
Carruth, David T. Geller, Charles Hixson, Robert Larson
(ArchDruid of Berkeley), Cathy MacQuilling, Stephen W. A.
McCalley, Steven Savitzky, S. Vokhvy Sterba and E. David Uggla
(ArchDruid of Stanford).
5. The following member of the Council sent no reply at all: Tho-
mas Carlisle, Phillip Cooper, Stephen Corey, Victor Henney Jr.,
Robert Hirsch, Laura Kiigimagi Keeting, Glen McDavid, Don
Morrison and Gary (of Schenectady) Zempel.
6. The following member of the Council sent as his reply a defi-
nite  maybe : Norman Nelson.
7. Thus it was that a majority of those who managed to communi-
cate about the contents of the letter, including four ArchDruids
of the Groves known to be active in July, 1974 c.e., desired that
changes of the general sort outlined be made.
8. However, these Druids were divided into two factions: those
who were of the majority, who favored the staging of a coup
d etat and those, who were of the minority, who favored a full or
partial schism.
Chapter the THIRD
1. Now the ArchDruids who desired changes conferred with their
Groves at Services and with eachother by telephone and mail,
and came to these conclusions.
2. That two new organizations would be formed which would, for
at least a while, be semi-autonomous branches of the RDNA;
and that these groups would be known as the New Reformed
Druids of North America (NRDNA) and the Schismatic Druids
of North America (SDNA).
3. That the name NRDNA would probably wind up being used by
those Druids who wished to continue to acknowledge the Coun-
cil of Dalon ap Landu; to wit, those who favored a coup.
4. That the name SDNA would likewise probably wind up being
used by those who favored a full or partial schism from the Council
of Dalon Ap Landu.
5. That a new Council to be known as the Provisional Council of
ArchDruids would be formed for at least a while, and that this
Council would consist of all willing ArchDruids and
ArchDruidesses of all active branches of the Reform that might
exist or be formed in the future.
6. That all Groves would continue to retain their traditional au-
7. That the purpose of the Provisional Council of ArchDruids would
be to confer with and represent their Groves for the consider-
ation of various matters of import and controversy. dom.
8. That among these matters would be those of: new Constitution(s) 10. In our shortsighted desire for Life, we have disrupted the whole
and By-Laws, the continuation or ignoring of the Higher Orders, Biosphere, the living mantle of the Mother. In our attempt to
the possible need or ethical reasons for the institution of defeat Death, we have created a true waste. Of all the Mother s
defrocking procedures, and the final decisions concerning the creatures, we alone may be able to accomplish that defeat, and
future political structure and inter-relationships of the various the world would not live but die. Then indeed would Arawn
branches of the Reform. weep, for there would be no young children or tender blossoms
to play upon His knees.
[To be continued in The Book of Changes, part three] 11. I am a warrior. I am a gardner, and a medicine-person, and a
student of Life. That I worship, as I know you do. We have
reclaimed the right-brain wisdom of the past. Let us not out of
The Epistle to the Myopians
hand reject the left-brain wisdom of the present. It is only with-
(Berkeley Apocrypha Only)
out each other that either becomes evil, and they do not contra-
dict each other. Though all around you desire Life without Death, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
