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trust yourself that, in the end, all will be well.
As with the KYO mind-set, be responsible for what you are.
Develop your discernment, a sense of good judgment that will
allow you to acquire only that knowledge which is best for you. If
someone says you are stupid, before discarding that knowledge,
seek inside of you to see if there is a place inside you where you
are stupid. If you do your job well, you will certainly find a place
such as this. By admitting that there is such a place to yourself, you
will not react to this knowledge; you will be in acceptance of what
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you are. By getting out of the way of the information, the
communication can continue in such a way that it resolves what-
ever provoked the comment.
Another important part of the KYO mind-set is also to admit to
yourself that you are a good person when someone says that. It is
important to accept both compliments and complaints. You are
the one responsible for processing the knowledge and it is up to
you to make the best of it.
As with the TOH mind-set, develop tolerance for what you hear,
listen with care and lower your defenses. Do not rush to reply, to
react, defend and to confront. When it is your turn to speak,
speak. When it is your turn to listen, remain receptive and accept
everything that is said. Accepting what is said is not an admission
or approval of what is said to you. Acceptance allows you to
acknowledge what is said, at the level it is said from, and does not
imply that you must become or believe what is said to you.
As with the SHA mind-set, believe, know and understand that
knowledge is power. Do not attempt to control the exchange
of knowledge until it is your turn to define the exchange of
knowledge. The knowledge will usually flow naturally in whatever
direction it must, and when you notice the knowledge leads
nowhere, or becomes too provocative, take full responsibility, and
manifest a return to peaceful communication.
As you learned in the KAI mind-set, do not judge what you hear.
Practice having a compassionate ear, and listening with love. If
information is addressed to you, accept this new experience. Try
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to prevent yourself from perceiving only pain where there seems
to be pain. Understand that pain is only painful at the level at
which it is perceived; know that it is painful at that level, admit it
is painful, then focus on the experience itself without judgment.
That s a lot of things to remember in the art of perfecting your
listening skills! Let s move on to the art of perfecting your speech.
When you practiced RIN, you learned to adopt the attitude of
trusting your right to speak, as well as your ability to speak. Never
capitulate! You have to right to express yourself, but it does not
imply that you must get your point of view across at any cost. It
does not imply that you should battle until your vision of the
information is assimilated by others; they have the right to their
opinions too. It simply means that your spoken words have value,
at least to yourself and your divinity. This being said, do not waste
your precious speech when it is not being received. Trust yourself;
before anything else, trust yourself.
As you learned in your studies of the KYO mind-set, take respon-
sibility for what you say. Never lie by commission or omission;
never be deceitful. To lie in whatever form is to condition your
mind to believe that what you say is false and should not be man-
ifested. This is a very poor habit to get into, if you hope to train
your mind to manifest what you desire. Therefore, always speak
the truth, so that your mind is conditioned to trusting that what
you say is true. Eventually, as you develop your powers of mani-
festation, you will say something and it will become true and man-
ifest, if it is not already true. However, before you can manifest
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what you speak, you must establish this relationship of trust with
your mind, by only speaking the truth. If you said something that
implies you owe someone a service, act upon it and render the
service, or affirm your incompetence and inform the concerned
people that the service will not be rendered. Never allow a prom-
ise to be spoken that you do not fulfill according to your spoken
word. Say I Love You only if it is true, but do not prevent
yourself from saying it if such is genuinely the case. (Note: Do not
be in a hurry to destroy your life, or your chances for happiness.)
As you learned with the TOH mind-set, be humble in choosing
your words. Humility doesn t mean you have to suffer in silence.
Most people confuse humility with shame or submission to
someone who is exerting dominating control. Humility means that
you are to remain in truth. If something should be said, then it
must be said, and if something should not be said, then it must not
be spoken. Some information serves a higher purpose when it is
retained and other information is more useful when it is
exchanged. To become Wise, one must develop a great discern-
ment, especially in the choice of words, and whether to speak
them or not.
As you learned with the SHA mind-set, always express yourself in
a way that will lead to the accomplishment of your goal. Be
powerful in your speech. Your words can become powerful by
being whispered in the ears of a lover, or shouted at players on the
game field (to encourage, not discourage), or elegantly recited on
a stage, or pedagogically spoken from the dais in a lecture to a stu-
dent. In every case, your words are to be clear and must always
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represent that which you wish to express. Practice using words as
they are meant to be used; consider their meanings carefully and
choose wisely. Do not hide behind sarcasm, lies, manipulations, or
controversial arguments. Allow your words to express the power
generated through your speech.
As you learned with the KAI mind-set, speak words of compas-
sion and love. Do not express judgments and destructive criticism.
Use your speech to express enlightenment and to bring enlighten-
ment to yourself. Say beautiful things, and if this is hardly possible
at certain times, at least say the truth. Do not degrade or lower the
value of anyone, of anything, or any experience. If something
does not fit you, there is always a good choice of words that will
serve to rectify your experience. If there is no way to change what
you are experiencing, it is useless to brag or complain about it
unless it is to do self-therapy; self-therapy must make you a better
person, in your heart. Express yourself when you are
in pain, say the truth at the level you perceive it, but do not
encourage the ego to play the victim game and do not amplify any
situation with your words. Whenever possible, say happy words,
funny jokes, accompanied with a smile, and define your life as a
happy loving life. Life is meant to be enjoyed.
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JIN Technique
Interlace all your fingers, with your fingertips inside,
each of them touching the equivalent tip of the
other hand s finger, if possible.
Chakra: Throat
Mantra jp: On aga na ya in ma ya sowaka
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