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can do for others, think how you can bring pleasure and
spiritual advancement to others. And let me ask you some-
thing, Lobsang; you were instrumental in saving the life
of a poor old monk who had an accident. If you face it
squarely you will find that you derived pleasure and high
satisfaction from that act. Is that not so?
I thought about that, and yes, it was quite true, I had a
lot of satisfaction from going down there after Honorable
Puss Puss and then bringing help to the old man.  Yes,
Honorable Master, you are correct, I had much satisfac-
tion, I replied at last.
The evening shadows were falling, and the purple
mantle of night was gradually spreading across our Valley.
In far-off Lhasa the lights were beginning to twinkle and
people were beginning to move behind their oil silk screens.
Somewhere below our window one of the cats gave a
plaintive cry which was answered by another cat's voice
from close at hand. My Guide stood up and stretched. He
appeared to be stiff, and when I scrambled to my feet I
nearly fell on my face because we had been sitting talking
for longer than I thought, and yes I was stiff too. To-
gether we looked out of the window for a few moments,
then my Guide said,  It might be a good idea to have a
sound night's rest because who knows? we may be
busy on the morrow. Good night to you, Lobsang, good
 Honorable Master, I said,  thank you for the time and
trouble you have taken explaining this to me. I am slow
and I suppose sluggish in my mind, but I am beginning to
get a little understanding. Thank you. Good night!
I bowed to him and turned, and walked to the com-
municating door.  Lobsang, my Guide called to me. I
turned and faced him.  The Lord Abbot really was pleased
with you, and that is a matter which should go on record.
The Lord Abbot is an austere, stern man. You have done
well. Good night.
 Good night, I said again as I turned to my room.
Quickly I made my very simple preparations for the night,
and then I lay down not to sleep immediately but to
think of all the things which I had been told, and as I
thought about it yes it was true, correct adherence to
one's religion could provide most adequate and excellent
spiritual discipline.
 Ow! Aaagh!! Wearily I rolled over and lay for a few
moments wondering where I was. Reluctantly I came
awake, well-almost. The sky to the east was slightly pink.
Ice crystals suspended high above in the up-draft from the
mountain peaks glittered with prismatic flashes of rainbow
hues. Right above me the heavens were still a deep purple,
a purple which lightened even as I watched. My! It was
cold. The stone floor was like a block of ice and I shivered.
My one thin blanket was poor protection from my frigid
bed. Yawning, I rubbed my knuckles into my eyes, trying
to clear away the sleep, trying to put off for a few more
minutes the effort of rising on this cold morning.
Irritably, still half asleep, I fumbled with my  pillow
which by day was my robe. Drugged with the effects of
heavy sleep, I fumbled and poked, trying to find which way
was  up with my robe. In desperation I could NOT awake
properly I made a wild guess and pulled the garment
around me. With increasing crossness I discovered that I
had it on inside out. Muttering to myself I tore it off.
Literally  tore it off, for the rotten old thing split all the
way down the back! Gloomily I surveyed the damage,
standing naked in the frosty air, air so cold that my breath
puffed out like a white cloud. Now I was  for it. What
would the Master of the Acolytes say? Damaging lamastic
property wanton carelessness stupid numbskull of a
boy I knew all that he would say, he had said it to me so
We were not issued new robes. As a boy grew out of his
robe he was given another which some other boy had out-
grown. All our robes were old; some were held together
more by faith than by strength. Now my robe was
FINISHED, I concluded, as I looked at the sorry remains.
Between my finger and thumb the fabric was thin, empty,
devoid of  life. Sadly I sat down and pulled my blanket
around me. WHAT SHOULD I DO Now? Judiciously I made
a few more rents and then, with my blanket wrapped
round me like a robe, I went out in search of the Master of
the Acolytes. When I arrived at his office he was already
saying truly horrid things to a small boy who wanted a
different pair of sandals.  Feet were made before sandals,
m'boy, feet were made before sandals! he was saying.  If I
had my way you would all go about bare-footed, but
HERE here is another pair. Take care of them. Well! What
do you want? he asked as he caught sight of me in my
very threadbare blanket.
The way in which he looked at me! The way his eyes
absolutely glared at the thought that another acolyte
wanted something from his precious stores!  Honorable
Master, I said with considerable trepidation,  my robe
has split, but it is very, very thin and was long ago worn
` WORN OUT??? he bawled.  I am the one who says
if a thing is worn out, not you, miserable boy. Now go
about your business clad in rags for your audacity. One of
the serving-monks bent forward and whispered something.
The Master of the Acolytes scowled and bellowed,  What? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
