They seem to make lots of good flash cms templates that has animation and sound.

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how much she had given me as an artistic legacy.
The next time she appeared in my dream, I was too sad; I didn t remember my intention to
recognize I was dreaming, so I couldn t carry out my plan.
A few nights later I dreamed of her again. I had pre-pared myself in advance by telling myself
during the days,  If I dream of Grams, I will remember that it is a dream.  This time, I did
become lucid. I knew clearly it Was a dream, and yet she was so vivid and real; it was just as if
she were alive. When I asked her how she was, she answered with some despair,  Oh darling, I
don t know.... / don t seem to know where I am....  This dream left me feeling both elated that I
had made contact with her, and distraught that she was disturbed. Of course, many questions
tumbled out from my troubled mind: Is she really  someplace ? Is this only my imag-ination? I
was unsure what to think. So I was eager to talk with her again.
Two weeks later I dreamed of her again and immedi-ately became aware that I was dreaming. I
asked her how she was, and where she was. She said,  I am not feeling so unsettled, Laurie, 
and said something I could not quite understand, about existing fairly happily  some-where.  I
hugged her a long time and told her, trying not to cry more than a little, how I loved her and
always would, and how she had inspired my dancing, and that she would always be with me. In
the dream, she looked exactly like she had in life, with her beautiful, noble face, and I awoke
Perhaps I truly contacted her spirit; perhaps I simply spoke with my inner self. I do not know. I
just know that after those two dreams, something settled in me; I felt in touch with some part of
my grandmother and had said what I had so much wanted to say to her. I was able very soon
after these dreams to let my sadness slip away from me. (L. C., Portola Valley, California)
When I was thirty I broke up with a boyfriend that I had dated for nearly nine years. It was very
difficult and es-pecially hard on me when he married only one year later. Through a series of
nonlucid dreams I started to accept the situation that he had married someone else / came to
meet his wife, his in-laws, and experienced seeing them together. One of the last dreams
regarding them and my acceptance was a lucid dream. It went like this:
I dreamed I met K. and his wife, only this time he invited me to his house for dinner, along with
his folks and sister. I remember noticing that K. and his wife ap-peared to get along quite well,
and that they seemed ev-erything he and I weren t. A twinge of melancholy went through me,
but in general I felt that everything seemed alright. They were both very nice to me and liked
my company. As I left the house at the end of the evening I suddenly wanted to thank them
again for the wonderful evening. It occurred to me to wait and call later on the phone, but then
I realized I wouldn t be able to reach them in the morning because I d be awake in the  waking
reality,  unable to reach these dream characters. I de-cided to walk back and leave a note. Just
then they walked out of the house and saw me. I explained that I wanted to thank them again,
especially his wife, who was so pleasant toward me. I explained that in fact they were dream
characters in my dream, but to me they seemed very real. I hoped that a part of me was really
meeting with a part of them at some level, although I realized they would never recall this
meeting in the waking world. They smiled and said they understood and felt that in spite of
what the  outside world remembers, they felt that a side of them had interacted with me. I
woke up shortly after that and felt quite happy and assured that our parting was for the best.
(B. O., Arlington, Massa-chusetts)
Recently, I had a wonderfully comforting dream in which my father, who died only a year ago,
came to me early in the morning to tell me it was almost time to get up just like he used to do
when I was a little girl. He never spoke to me in the dream but we were communicating. He
came into my room to tell me to get up soon. Then he walked from room to room in my house.
He conveyed to me that everything looked good there were some things that needed to be
done, but nothing I could not handle. He also conveyed to me the thought that while he was not
there with me physically, his presence would always be with me. Then he came and sat on the
side of the bed and held my hand. I kept saying,  thank you to him and woke up feeling that he
really had been there with me. I knew I was dreaming while I was dreaming, but 1 would not
have interfered with that dream in any way. (J. A., Knoxville, Tennessee)
My father died of cancer this summer, and I had a long series of dreams in which I was aware
that I was dream-ing, and insisted that I didn  t want to wake up because I was talking to my
father, telling him once more that I loved him, but he  d insist that I wake up and accept that he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
