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thick, beat with wire spoon or whisk until frothy, then add whites of eggs
beaten stiff, and fold in cream. Line a mould with sections of oranges, turn in
mixture, smooth evenly, and chill.
Strawberry Sponge
1/3 box gelatine or 1 cup sugar
11/3 tablespoons granulated gelatine 1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup strawberry juice
1/3 cup cold water Whites 3 eggs
1/3 cup boiling water Whip from 3 cups cream
Make same as Orange Charlotte.
Orange Baskets
Cut two pieces from each orange, leaving what remains in shape of basket with
handle, remove pulp from baskets and pieces, and keep baskets in ice-water until
ready to fill From orange juice make orange jelly with which to fill baskets.
Serve garnished with Cream Sauce.
Orange Jelly in Ambush
Cut oranges in halves lengthwise, remove pulp and juice. With juice make Orange
Jelly to fill half the pieces. Fill remaining pieces with Charlotte Russe
mixture. When both are firm, put together in pairs and tie together with narrow
white ribbon.
Bavarian Cream (Quick)
1/2 lemon, grated rind and juice 2 eggs
1 teaspoon granulated gelatine
1/2 cup white wine
1/3 cup sugar 1 tablespoon cold water
Mix lemon, wine, sugar, and yolks of eggs; stir vigorously over fire until
mixture thickens, add gelatine soaked in water, then pour over whites of eggs
beaten stiff. Set in pan of ice-water and beat until thick enough to hold its
shape. Turn into a mould lined with lady fingers, and chill. Orange juice may be
used in place of wine, and the cream served in orange baskets.
Strawberry Bavarian Cream
Line a mould with large, fresh strawberries cut in halves, fill with Charlotte
Russe mixture.
Pineapple Bavarian Cream
1/2 box gelatine or 1 can grated pineapple
2 tablespoons granulated gelatine 1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 cup cold water Whip from 3 cups cream
Soak gelatine in cold water. Heat pineapple, add sugar, lemon juice, and soaked
gelatine; chill in pan of ice-water, stirring constantly; when it begins to
thicken, fold in whip from cream, mould, and chill.
Royal Diplomatic Pudding
Place mould in pan of ice-water and pour in Wine Jelly II one-half inch deep.
When firm, decorate with candied cherries and angelica, proceed as for Fruit
Chartreuse, filling the centre with Charlotte Russe mixture or Fruit Cream.
Fruit Cream
Peel four bananas, mash, and rub through a sieve; add pulp and juice of two
oranges, one tablespoon lemon juice, one tablespoon Sherry wine, two-thirds cup
powdered sugar, and one and one-fourth tablespoons granulated gelatine dissolved
in one-fourth cup boiling water. Cool in ice-water, stirring constantly, and
fold in whip from two cups cream.
Ivory Cream
3/4 tablespoon granulated gelatine 4 tablespoons powdered sugar
1 tablespoon cold water
2 tablespoons boiling water 3 tablespoons Madeira wine
3 cups cream
Soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve in boiling water, and add sugar and wine.
Strain into a bowl, set in pan of ice-water, and beat until mixture thickens
slightly. Add to mixture whip from cream, and beat until mixture is thick enough
to hold its shape. Mould and chill. Garnish with Sauterne Jelly.
Pudding à I Adrea
2 cups thin cream Whites 4 eggs
11/2 tablespoons granulated gelatine 3 tablespoons Sherry
2 tablespoons cold water 11/2 tablespoons Sauterne
3/4 cup sugar Sauterne jelly mixture
Make one-half recipe for Sauterne Jelly , allowing one and one-half tablespoons
granulated gelatine. Color one-half green and one-half red. Fill sections of a
fancy mould alternately with green and red jelly. In the green jelly mould
pistachio nuts cut in quarters; in red jelly glacéd cherries cut in quarters.
Scald cream, add gelatine soaked in cold water, and sugar. When mixture begins
to thicken add whites of eggs beaten until stiff. Set in pan of ice-water, and
stir occasionally until mixture thickens; then add flavoring and turn into
mould. Chill thoroughly and remove from mould. 86
French Easter Cream
1/3 cup raisins 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine
1/4 cup brandy 2 tablespoons cold water
2 cups cream Maraschino 1/4 cup each
1/2 cup sugar Slow gin
Yolks 3 eggs Brandy
1/8 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla
Seed raisins, add brandy, and cook in double boiler until raisins are soft. Make
a custard of cream, sugar, egg yolks and salt. Remove from range, add gelatine
soaked in cold water. Strain, cool slightly, add flavorings, stir until mixture
thickens, then add raisins. Mould and chill. Remove from mould, and garnish with
Sauterne Jelly (colored violet), cut in cubes, and fresh violets.
Marshmallow Pudding à la Stanley
1/2 pound marshmallows 1/4 cup candied cherries
1 cup heavy cream 1/2 cup English walnut meats
1/2 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
Soak cherries in rum to cover one hour, then cut in pieces. Cut walnut meats and
marshmallows in small pieces. Whip cream, add sugar and vanilla, fold in
remaining ingredients. Mould and chill.
Chapter XXVI.
ICES and other frozen dishes comprise the most popular desserts. Hygienically
speaking, they cannot be recommended for the final course of a dinner, as cold
mixtures reduce the temperature of the stomach, thus retarding digestion until
the normal temperature is again reached. But how cooling, refreshing, and
nourishing, when properly taken, and of what inestimable value in the sick room!
Frozen dishes include: 2
Water Ice, fruit juice sweetened, diluted with water, and frozen. 3
Sherbet, water ice to which is added a small quantity of dissolved gelatine or
beaten whites of eggs. 4
Frappé, water ice frozen to consistency of mush; in freezing, equal parts of
salt and ice being used to make it granular. 5
Punch, water ice to which is added spirit and spice. 6
Sorbet, strictly speaking, frozen punch; the name is often given to a water
ice where several kinds of fruit are used. 7
Philadelphia Ice Cream, thin cream, sweetened, flavored, and frozen. 8
Plain Ice Cream, custard foundation, thin cream, and flavoring. 9
Mousse, heavy cream, beaten until stiff, sweetened, flavored, placed in a
mould, packed in salt and ice (using two parts crushed ice to one part salt), [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
