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found in H. P. Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine. Briefly, the earth-chain including our own globe Terra
was populated from the moon-chain, because all entities now on earth, whatever their grade in evolution,
came from the chain of the moon. (See also Pitris, Agnishvattas)
A | B-C | D-E-F | G-H-I | M | N-O-P | Q-R | S | T-U-V-W-Y-Z (12 of 13) [8/13/2002 9:06:52 AM]
The Occult Glossary by G. de Purucker - J K L
Occult Glossary Homepage (13 of 13) [8/13/2002 9:06:52 AM]
The Occult Glossary by G. de Purucker - M
The Occult Glossary by G. de Purucker
Copyright © 1996 by Theosophical University Press. All rights reserved.
Macrocosm -- Mahat -- Mahatma -- Man -- Manas -- Manasaputra(s) -- Manifestation -- Manu --
Manvantara -- Master(s) -- Matter -- Maya -- Mayavi-Rupa -- Mediator (see Medium) -- Medium --
Mesmerism -- Messenger -- Metempsychosis -- Metensomatosis -- Microcosm -- Milky Way, The --
Moksha -- Monad -- Morals, Morality -- Mudra -- Mukti (see Moksha) -- Mulaprakriti -- Music of the
Spheres-- Mysteries -- Mysticism
A | B-C | D-E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L | N-O-P | Q-R | S | T-U-V-W-Y-Z
The anglicized form of a Greek compound meaning "great arrangement," or more simply the great
ordered system of the celestial bodies of all kinds and their various inhabitants, including the
all-important idea that this arrangement is the result of interior orderly processes, the effects of
indwelling consciousnesses. In other and more modern phrasing the macrocosm is the vast universe,
without definable limits, which surrounds us, and with particular emphasis laid on the interior, invisible,
and ethereal planes. In the visioning or view of the ancients the macrocosm was an animate kosmic
entity, an "animal" in the Latin sense of this word, as an organism possessing a directing and guiding
soul. But this was only the outward or exoteric view. In the Mystery schools of the archaic ages, the
macrocosm was considered to be not only what is hereinbefore just stated, but also to consist more
definitely and specifically of seven, ten, and even twelve planes or degrees of consciousness-substance
ranging from the superdivine through all the intermediate stages to the physical, and even to degrees
below the physical, these comprised in one kosmic organic unit, or what moderns would call a universe.
In this sense of the word macrocosm is but another name for kosmic hierarchy, and it must be
remembered in this connection that these hierarchies are simply countless in number and not only fill but
actually compose and are indeed the spaces of frontierless SPACE.
The macrocosm was considered to be filled full not only with gods, but with innumerable multitudes or
armies of evolving entities, from the fully self-conscious to the quasi-self-conscious downwards through
the merely conscious to the "unconscious." Note well that in strict usage the term macrocosm was never
applied to the Boundless, to boundless, frontierless infinitude, what the Qabbalists called Eyn-soph. In
the archaic wisdom, the macrocosm, belonging in the astral world, considered in its causal aspect, was
virtually interchangeable with what modern theosophists call the Absolute. (1 of 15) [8/13/2002 9:06:54 AM]
The Occult Glossary by G. de Purucker - M
(Sanskrit) This word means "great." Mahat is a technical term in the Brahmanic system, and is the
"father-mother" of manas; it is the "mother" of the manasaputras or sons of mind, or that element from
which they spring, that element which they breathe and of which they are the children. In the Sankhya
philosophy -- one of the six darsanas or "visions," i.e., systems of philosophical visioning of ancient
India -- mahat is a term that corresponds to kosmic buddhi, but more accurately perhaps to maha-buddhi.
(Mahatman, Sanskrit) "Great soul" or "great self" is the meaning of this compound word (maha, "great";
atman, "self"). The mahatmas are perfected men, relatively speaking, known in theosophical literature as
teachers, elder brothers, masters, sages, seers, and by other names. They are indeed the "elder brothers"
of mankind. They are men, not spirits -- men who have evolved through self-devised efforts in individual
evolution, always advancing forwards and upwards until they have now attained the lofty spiritual and
intellectual human supremacy that now they hold. They were not so created by any extra-cosmic Deity,
but they are men who have become what they are by means of inward spiritual striving, by spiritual and
intellectual yearning, by aspiration to be greater and better, nobler and higher, just as every good man in
his own way so aspires. They are farther advanced along the path of evolution than the majority of men
are. They possess knowledge of nature's secret processes, and of hid mysteries, which to the average man
may seem to be little short of the marvelous -- yet, after all, this mere fact is of relatively small
importance in comparison with the far greater and more profoundly moving aspects of their nature and
Especially are they called teachers because they are occupied in the noble duty of instructing mankind, in
inspiring elevating thoughts, and in instilling impulses of forgetfulness of self into the hearts of men.
Also are they sometimes called the guardians, because they are, in very truth, the guardians of the race
and of the records -- natural, racial, national -- of past ages, portions of which they give out from time to
time as fragments of a now long-forgotten wisdom, when the world is ready to listen to them; and they
do this in order to advance the cause of truth and of genuine civilization founded on wisdom and
Never -- such is the teaching -- since the human race first attained self-consciousness has this order or
association or society or brotherhood of exalted men been without its representatives on our earth.
It was the mahatmas who founded the modern Theosophical Society through their envoy or messenger,
H. P. Blavatsky, in New York in 1875.
Man is in his essence a spark of the central kosmic spiritual fire. Man being an inseparable part of the
universe of which he is the child -- the organism of graded consciousness and substance which the
human constitution contains or rather is -- is a copy of the graded organism of consciousnesses and
substances of the universe in its various planes of being, inner and outer, especially inner as being by far
the more important and larger, because causal. (2 of 15) [8/13/2002 9:06:54 AM]
The Occult Glossary by G. de Purucker - M
Human beings are one class of "young gods" incarnated in bodies of flesh at the present stage of their
own particular evolutionary journey. The human stage of evolution is about halfway between the
undeveloped life-atom and the fully developed kosmic spirit or god.
From another point of view, man is a sheaf or bundle of forces or energies. Force and matter, or spirit
and substance being fundamentally one, hence, man is de facto a sheaf or bundle of matters of various
and differing grades of ethereality, or of substantiality; and so are all other entities and things
Man's nature, and the nature of the universe likewise, of which man is a reflection or microcosm or "little [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
