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distance communication. In terms of the fund in creating a Sino-Soviet military cooperative.
that is needed for the construction of the two (Source: Han Nianlong et al. Dangdai zhongguo waijiao,
stations, the Soviet Union will cover the larger 113-114.) The next day, Mao discussed the proposal
Zhang Shu Guang is associate professor at
portion (70%), and China will cover the smaller with Yudin at length.
portion (30%). 36. Mao referred to Zhou Enlai and Peng Dehuai who the University of Maryland at College Park
The leaders in Beijing immediately considered this a were present during this discussion.
and author, most recently, of Mao s Military
matter related to China s sovereignty and integrity. 37. In March 1950 and July 1951, the Chinese and
Romanticism: China and the Korean War,
Therefore, they wanted to pay all the expenses and to Soviet government signed four agreements, establish-
1950-1953 (Lawrence, KS: University Press
have exclusive ownership over the stations. (Source: ing a civil aviation company, an oil company, a non-
Han Nianlong et al., Dangdai zhongguo waijiao [Con- ferrous and rare metal company, and a shipbuilding of Kansas, 1995); Chen Jian is associate
temporary Chinese Diplomacy] (Beijing: Chinese So- company jointly owned by the two countries.
professor of history at Southern Illinois
cial Science Press, 1989), 112-113.) 38. Xibaipo was tiny village in Hebei Province where
University at Carbondale and author of
31. Mao Zedong made these remarks on Peng Dehuai s the Chinese Communist Party maintained headquarters
China s Road to the Korean War: The Mak-
report of 5 June 1958. See the previous document. from mid 1948 to early 1949. Dispatched by Stalin,
32. Lin Biao was then a newly elected vice chairman of Mikoyan secretly visited Xibaipo from 31 January to 7 ing of the Sino-American Confrontation
the CCP Central Committee and China s vice premier; February 1949 and held extensive meetings with Mao
(New York: Columbia University Press,
Chen Yun was then vice chairman of the CCP Central Zedong and other CCP leaders. For a Chinese account
Committee, and China s vice premier in charge of of Mikoyan s visit, see Shi Zhe (trans. Chen Jian),
financial and economic affairs; Peng Zhen was a mem- With Mao and Stalin: The Reminiscences of a Chinese
ber of the CCP Politburo and mayor of Beijing; Chen Yi Interpreter, Chinese Historians 5:1 (Spring 1992), 45-
was a member of the CCP Politburo, China s vice 56. For a Russian account of the visit, see Andrei
premier, and newly appointed foreign minister (starting Ledovsky, Mikoyan s Secret Mission to China in
in February 1958). January and February 1949, Far Eastern Affairs (Mos-
33. Words in italics were added by Mao. cow) 2 (1995) 72-94. It is interesting and important to
34. Following Mao Zedong s instructions, Peng Dehuai note that the Chinese and Russian accounts of this visit
sent to Malinovsky the following response on 12 June are in accord.
1958: The Chinese government agrees to the construc- 39. Mao Zedong attended the Moscow conference of
tion of high-power long-wave radio stations, and wel- leaders of communist and workers parties from social-
comes the technological assistance from the Soviet ist countries in November 1957, on the occasion of the
Union. However, China will cover all expenses, and the 40th anniversary of the Russian October Revolution.
stations will be jointly used by China and the Soviet 40. The Moscow Manifesto was adopted by the
Union after the completion of their construction. There- Moscow conference of leaders of communist and work-
fore, it is necessary for the governments of the two ers parties from socialist countries in November 1957.
countries to sign an agreement on the project. On 11 41. The 156 aid projects were mainly designed for
July 1958, the Soviet Union provided a draft agreement China s first five-year plan, focusing on energy devel-
to construct long-wave radio stations. The Soviets did opment, heavy industry and defense industry.
not understand the nature of Beijing s concern over 42. Here Mao referred to two of Stalin s telegrams to the
having exclusive ownership of the station, and the draft CCP leadership around 20-22 August 1945, in which
insisted that the stations should be constructed and Stalin urged the CCP to negotiate a peace with the
jointly managed by China and the Soviet Union. The Guomindang, warning that failing to do so could cause
Chinese responded with several suggestions for revi- the danger of national elimination.
sion: China would take the responsibility for construct- 43. Mao referred to his request to Stalin in 1950 to
ing the station and its ownership belongs to China; dispatch a philosopher to China to help edit Mao s
China will purchase the equipment it cannot produce works. Stalin then sent Yudin to China, who, before
from the Soviet Union, and will invite Soviet experts to becoming Soviet ambassador to China, was in China
help construct the station; after the station s comple- from July 1950 to January 1951 and July to October
tion, it will be jointly used by China and the Soviet 1951, participating in the editing and translation of Mao
Union. Zedong s works.
35. Mao Zedong held this conversation with Yudin in 44. I. V. Kovalev, Stalin s representative to China from
the context of the emerging dispute between Beijing 1948 to 1950, accompanied Mao Zedong to visit the
and Moscow on establishing a Chinese-Soviet joint Soviet Union in December 1949-February 1950; N. T.
submarine flotilla. Allegedly, in 1957-1958, Soviet Fedorenko, a Soviet sinologist, in the early 1950s
military and naval advisors in China repeatedly made served as the cultural counselor at the Soviet embassy
suggestions to the Chinese that they should purchase in Beijing.
new naval equipment from the Soviet Union. On 28 45. See note 30.
June 1958, Zhou Enlai wrote to Khrushchev, requesting 46. Ye Fei commanded the Fujian Military District.
that the Soviet Union provide technological assistance 47. Mao commanded these military operations during
for China s naval buildup, especially the designs for the CCP-Guomindang civil war in 1927-1934.
new-type submarines. On 21 July 1958, Yudin called 48. Documents in this group are found in Russian
on Mao Zedong. Invoking Khrushchev s name, Yudin Foreign Ministry archives. The originals are in Chi-
told Mao that the geography of the Soviet Union made nese.
it difficult for it to take full advantage of the new-type 49. Tang Tianji was deputy director of the People s
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