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there'd be millions seein' of us. Yous lose the magic.'
That word again. Magic.
'An' that's right an' proper, s'how it should be. Yous not be in the same
spectrum, y'see, no, not at all.
Yous lose the ability to move yer vision an' minds up a few notches. That's
why, if we likes, we be come down to yer level. An' even then, yous might not
be seein' of us.'
'I don't understand any of this.'
The little man rested his wrists on his raised knees. 'What d'yer want
'Oh, just about everything.'
Well let's be makin' a start. I know yer doesn't remember me, but d'yer be
knowin' what I am?'
'A pixie?' Thom felt no embarrassment in using the word.
'Elf, pixie, brownie, bwca - it be takin' too long to explain, and then yer
wouldn't be understandin'
anyway. Settle fer elf, that'll do fer now.'
'But elves aren't real, they only exist in storybooks.'
'Aye, an' so be faeries, an' yer've just seen 'em. An' so be the succubus, fer
yer've just seen that evil thing too.'
'But ... but you're real. I can't believe what I'm seeing, what's just
happened ...'
We be real enough,' the - eh? - said gruffly. 'Used to be known asfatae - the
fates - but that be changed through the centuries. Don't yer be rememberin'
anything of us? Y used to play with the faeries when yerself were wee.'
 Yeh, impossible. Just like me. An' yet yer be sittin' there talkin' to me.'
'I know I'm not dreaming.'
The little man chuckled and shook his head. Thom watched as he shrunk a couple
of inches.
'Why do you keep doing that?' he asked, vexed.
The elf shrugged. 'S'up to ye, really. Yer've not quite settled on the size
yer want me to be.'
'Up to me? I've got nothing to do with it.'
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'listen.' The elf leaned forward over his knees and spoke in a hushed voice.
'Humans be governed by the limits of their own spectrum. Yous do not see the
infinite vibrations between. If ye like, we be exist between yer finites.
Understand me?'
'Not a clue.'
Thom felt heady, either from the brew he had just consumed, or from relief
that the terror - not just the beast, but the terror within himself - was
gone. He was eager to learn, exhaustion for the moment allayed both by
curiosity and the drink.
The elf-man sighed again, an almost comical gesture. He wasn't cute, not like
the elves or pixies you saw in illustrated storybooks, but his size and
features did lend him some kind of eccentric charm. No
Disney character this, but bewitch-ingly intriguing all the same.
'Forget the senses yer know about - yer could when you
were little. Those five senses are too dense, they have no finesse.'
A strange thing was happening to the elf's manner of speech as he went on.
Initially, it had almost been incoherent gobbledegook as far as Thom was
concerned, then it had began to make sense and he could understand almost
every word. Now it was becoming even plainer, the odd lilt still present, but
the main inflections growing more like Thom's own.  Yer' had become 'you' and
the annoying 'bes' - it be this, it be that - dropped altogether. It was a
relief, for the concept was difficult enough to follow without having to
decipher every sentence as well.
'And because we choose to remain hidden,' the elf went on, his voice still a
high tone but the words well formed, 'and because your senses are not in tune
with ours, we remain invisible to humans. Most of the time, anyway. We live in
different dimensions, you and I, but there is a link. To begin with, though,
you have to understand that the cosmos consists more of energy and
consciousness than it does of physical matter.'
Now Thom was convinced that his own subconscious was making sense of the elf's
language, that the more he heard the easier it became to follow. He remembered
the flutey-whistling sounds of the faeries, how they had gradually changed to
little singing voices to his ear, as it familiarity were making sense of it
all. His subconscious mind was the translator, the process ...? Magical.
'Unfortunately, the more materialistic humans have become - the more
civilized, you would say. Pah! -
the more you've lost sight of the grand consciousness. If you gave it proper
attention, you'd be amazed at how logical - and how wonderful - it all is.' He
shook his small head sadly.  You've chosen otherwise, though.'
Thom spoke up. 'I don't get it. Why would we do that?' [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
