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Lesson 14 (Ch10. Verses 31 42)
1. How does a devotee relate to the beautiful things of this world?
2. Explain the word  asamaurdva .
Lesson 5 (Ch11. Verses 1 13)
1. State two reasons why Arjuna asked to see the universal form of the Lord.
2. Why are pure devotees unconcerned with seeing the universal form?
Lesson 6 (Ch. 11. Verses 14 31)
1. Explain the shift of relationship between Krishna and Arjuna in verse 14.
2. Was Arjuna the only person to see the Universal Form of Krishna?
Lesson 7 (Ch11. Verses 32 44)
1. What is the specific plan of Krishna that is being carried out in the material world?
2. Explain the main point of verse 42 and its purport.
Lesson 8 (Ch11. Verses 45 55)
1. Why are the many Vedic processes not useful in gaining darsana of the Lord s form?
2. How is Krishna s two handed form a more confidential revelation than the Universal Form?
Lesson 9 (Ch12. Verses 1 7)
1. Compare the processes of impersonal and personal worship?
2. Explain the importance of Krishna s statement in verse 7,  I am the swift deliverer from the
ocean of birth and death. and how it relates to faith in Krishna consciousness.
Lesson 10 (Ch12. Verses 8 12)
1. How are the activities of a pure devotee transcendental according to text 8.
2. What does it mean to  work for Krishna in verse 10? How does this differ from the instruction
in verse 9?
Lesson 11 (Ch12.Verses 13 20)
1. How does a devotee rise above the frustrations that arise due to material disturbances?
2. When is impersonal meditation useful? When should it be dropped?
Lesson 12 (Ch13. Verses 1 7)
1. Define  Ksetra and  ksetra-jna. How can one detect the difference of the two?
2. What is the difference between Krishna as the  ksetra-jna and the jiva as  ksetra-jna ?
Lesson 13 (Ch13. Verses 8 19)
1. Analyse humility, non-violence, and simplicity as items of knowledge.
2. Explain the example of the sun in terms of the Suppressor s presence.
Lesson 14 (Ch13. Verses 20 26)
1. Explain the analogy of the residential quarters.
2. Explain the position of the Supersoul in relationship with the individual soul.
Lesson 15 (Ch13. Verses 27 35)
1. Summarise the philosophical content of verse 30 and purport.
2. Explain the analogy of the sun in verse 34.
Lesson 16 (Ch14. Verses 1 9)
1. Explain the analogy of the  scorpion s eggs .
2. Briefly explain how each of the three modes are binding.
Lesson 17 (Ch14.10 1)
1. Explain the destination of one in each mode.
2. Summarise Srila Prabhupada s social criticisms of modern society given in this section.
Lesson 18 (Ch14. Verses 19 27)
1. Summarise the means for transcending the three modes, given in verses 26 and 27.
2. Explain the relationship between Brahman and Bhagavan.
Lesson 19 (Ch15. Verses 1 7)
1. Explain the analogy of the banyan tree.
2. Describe the process of removing oneself from the tree.
Lesson 20 (Ch.15. Verses 8 15)
1. Summarise the process of transmigration.
2. Explain how the description in verses 12 15 serve to remind one of his dependence on
Lesson 21 (Ch15. Verses 16 20)
1. What are the two classes of living entities?
2. Why is Krishna celebrated in the Vedas as the Supreme Person?
Lesson 22 (Ch16. Verses 1 9)
1. Give some symptoms of one in the demoniac nature.
2. What is the demoniac view of the creation? What does that view lead to?
Lesson 23 (Ch16.Verses 10 18)
1. Explain the religious life of the demoniac.
2. Explain the significance of the words  avidhi purvakam .
Lesson 24 (Ch16.Verses 19 24)
1. What are the three gateways to hell?
2. Explain the position of the scriptures as described in the final verses and purports.
Lesson 25 (Ch17. Verses 1 10)
1. What are the three kinds of faith? How does one elevate his faith?
2. In what do men in the three modes repose their faith? Give examples from scripture or
Lesson 26 (C17.11 19)
1. Explain the types of sacrifice according to the three modes.
2. Explain the austerities of the speech, body and mind.
Lesson 27 (Ch17. Verses 20 28)
1. Explain the words  om tat sat.
2. Summarise the main point of verse 28 and the purport.
Lesson 28 (Ch18. Verses 1 12)
1. What is the difference between sannyasa and tyaga?
2. What is the  highest criterion of religion ?
Lesson 29 (Ch18. Verses 13 25)
1. Briefly explain the proper perspective that one should have of the activities that he is
performing according to verses 13 16?
2. Explain knowledge in the three modes.
Lesson 30 (Ch18. Verses 26 40)
1. Describe the action, work, understanding, determination and happiness of one in
2. Do the same for one in passion.
Lesson 31 (Ch18. Verses 41 55)
1. Why should one perform his own work rather than that of others?
2. How is a person in Krishna consciousness automatically a sannyasi?
Lesson 32 (Ch18. Verses 56 66)
1. Explain the significance of text 54 in terms of defeating Mayavada philosophy.
2. How would you answer the claim,  One can not surrender to Krishna until he is fully purified
from sinful reactions (see 7.28). Therefore, I should perform jnana-yoga until I am pure enough
to worship Krishna?
Lesson 33 (Ch18. Verses 67 78)
1. To whom should one not teach Bhagavad-gita?
What is the result of teaching and learning Bhagavad-gita?
Part Two  Content-specific Questions
Module Three- NOD, ISO, NOI
NOD Questions
Lesson One (Preface)
1. Why is love of natural for the living entity?
Lesson Two (Introduction)
1. What are the four sides of the ocean and what do they correspond to?
2. What is the definition of pure devotional service?
Lesson Three (Chapter One)
1. What are the two results of
2. List and describe the eight mystic siddhis.
Lesson Four (Chapter Two)
1. Describe briefly the three categories of devotional service and their characteristics.
2. What is the qualification for practicing devotional service?
Lesson Five (Chapter Three)
1. Describe the three levels of eligibility for vaidhi-bhakti.
Lesson Six (Chapter Four)
1. Prove that devotional service is beyond liberation.
2. Prove that the devotees of are the topmost of all devotees.
Lesson Seven (Chapter Five)
1. Explain how Srila Prabhupada is following in the footsteps of Srila Rupa Gosvami in
establishing the consciousness movement all over the world.
2. Why is devotional service open for all without any distinction?
Lesson Eight (Chapter Six)
2. Find a definition for principles from what has written in this chapter and give
an example.
3. Write down, as described in this chapter, the number of:
(a) primary principles
(b) secondary principle
(c)  other principles
Lesson Nine (Chapter Seven)
1. Describe the different symptoms of bona fide and bogus spiritual masters. Explain the status
of spiritual master in relation to a) and b) his disciples. (Ch. 7)
2. List down some of the reasons for Lord Buddha s appearance [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
